Just wanted to post Keagan's current feeding and treatment schedule. You may look at Keagan's treatment and think...WOW! that's a lot. But really his treatments are not a lot compared to other CF babies and as he gets older the list will more than likely only grow!
9 am: wake up and eats
- 1 1/2 enzymes in applesauce before meal
- 2 teaspoons of Omeprazole (reflux med compounded into liquid)
- 1 mL of Aquadeks (multivitamin: A, D, K, and E)
- eats: cereal mixed w/ fruit baby food, 2 teaspoons butter and salt, 7oz formula
10 am: breathing treatments
- 4 puffs albuterol inhaler with spacer (~5 min)
- 7% hypertonic saline via nebulizer (~15 min)
- Pulmozyme via nebulizer (~10 min)
- Manual CPT (beating on chest ~20 min)
10:30-11:30 am: napping
11:30 am-12 pm: play time
12 pm: eats
- 1 1/2 enzymes in applesauce before meal
- 1 jar veggie baby food mixed with 2 teaspoons butter, 5oz formula
12:30-1:30 pm: play time
1:30-2:30 pm: napping
3 pm: eats
- 1 1/2 enzymes in applesauce before meal
- 1 jar of fruit/fruit smoothie baby food with 2 teaspoons butter, 5 oz formula
3:30-6 pm: play time
6 pm: eats
- 1 1/2 enzymes in applesauce before meal
- 2 teaspoons of Omeprazole (reflux med compounded into liquid)
- 1 jar of veggie with meat baby food with 2 teaspoons butter and salt, 5 oz formula
6:30-7 pm: play time
7 pm: bath time
7:30-8 pm: play time
8 pm: breathing treatments
- 4 puffs albuterol inhaler with spacer (~5 min)
- 7% hypertonic saline via nebulizer (~15 min)
- Manual CPT (beating on chest ~20 min)
8:45 pm: eats
- 1 1/2 enzymes in applesauce before meal
- 4 oz formula
9:15 pm: bed time
total: 7 1/2 enzymes (pills), 2-2 1/2 hours breathing treaments, 21 mL of liquid meds.....
Like I said above, you may think this is a lot but Keagan's treaments and meds barely compare to the treatment of other CF babies and this list/amount of meds will only grow as he gets older.....
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