Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Another Day at Clinic...
Great news: 100% O2 sat level, lungs sounded great, got the vest ordered and we will receive it tomorrow, we are stopping the albuterol before hyper-sal and if no cough arises then in 12 days we will also be stopping pulmozyme but he is satying on hyper-sal, gained 1lb 3oz so he is 22lbs 3oz....i am sooo happy!!
Allergist Appointment:
Great news: NO milk allergy!!!!!!!! but we are doing some stool tests to try and figure out why they are still sooo loose!! and may be going to a GI dr if we have no answers from that! Don't think it is an enzyme issue becuase his poop is not oily and greasy and he is gaining so good so we will see!!
I am one happy momma :)
Lunch with Exec Director:
Went awesome as well! Nice to meet someone from the foundation to put a face with it! I learned today that the foundation was started by some parents who wanted to find a cure for CF (I had no idea who started it) and that they had no idea what the underlying problem was with CF until 1994 when Pulmozyme came out!!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Another Day spent Driving and Waiting....
- nothing!!! even with a runny nose and cough (I know it can turn into something for you negative thinkers)
- 28 7/8" long....almost an inch in a month
- 21 lbs!!!!!! This is a 2.5 lb weight gain in a month!
- continue getting him FAT lol
- in the 50th-75th percentile for weight for length ratio!!!!
What did I learn today?
- anything with a strong scent will irritate his airways
- pools, rivers, and lakes are all ok...YES!!!!
- will prob start pediasure when he is ONE
- and in the summer will probably start giving him gatorade with added salt when we spend the day outside
GOAL: When Keagan begins walking/running, we will spend an hour-two hours running and playing outside to begin his active lifestyle to keep him healthy!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
CF and its Drugs
1) go to and doante
2) order a team shirt $15 for adults and $10 for youth/toddler e-mail me
3) my mom is selling CF bracelets and keychains e-mail he
or you can donate directly to the foundation at
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
From this DAY Forward...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
My Oh days!
- lungs had some slight crackles on both sides in the upper lobes
- ears are slightly red and irritated
- still coughing
- throat swab results pending....will call if anything grows
- weight 18lbs 7oz
- dropped below 50th%ile
- has gained 1lb 10oz in a month
- height 28"
No real med changes! The doctor lowered the units of enzymes so instead of one capsule being 20,000 units they are now 10,000 units. So his doctor said he can take as many as 4 with each meal and to give him lots of butter so we can get his weight back on track! We are still doing all soy stuff but next month when we go back we are going to see an allergist to make sure Keagan does not have a milk allergy (his dr suspects it). He also prescribed Keagan a laxative because it is good for his poop to be formed but Keagan was having a hard time getting it out so I thought he was constipated. The dr said if you lower the amount of enzymes to make it easier for him to poop then you are basically just using the fat he doesn't absorb as a laxative....which is BAD cuz we want them to absorb their fat! It is just hard for them to get poop cuz of the sticky mucus.
On another side note:
I also learned today that all kids have something called FOOD NEOPHOBIA. It is basically where they are scared of new foods. There are studies that show you may have to offer a new food up to 15 times, yes 15, to get them to actually eat it and like it! The nutritionist said you should offer new foods to them even if they throw it and then keep offering it and they will eventually taste a little bit and it will be more and more each time they are offered it until they eventually start eating it. I gave Keagan a pancake the other night and it ended up behind his head! He LOVES to play with new foods! Here is a list of some good fatty foods for infants (9 months and older) and toddlers:
High Calorie Finger Foods
- noodles with alfredo sauce
- grated whole milk cheese
- crackers with cheese or peanut butter
- blueberry muffins
- pancakes or waffles
- sliced/mashed avocado
- soft-cooked vegetables with butter and cheese
- scrambled eggs with cream and cheese
- tuna or egg salad sandwich with mayonnaise
- breaded fish or fish sticks
High Calorie Spoon Thick Foods
- applesauce mixed with cream
- ice cream
- oatmeal/grits with cream, butter, and brown sugar
- whole milk cottage cheese or yogurt
- pudding made with whole milk and cream
- mashed potatoes with butter, gravy, and sour cream <----Keagan's Fav
- thick cream soups (potato, cheese, and broccoli)
- refried beans
Overall a good clinic visit! Message me with any questions and comments are always welcomed!
Monday, January 10, 2011
A little Peek into Keagan's daily LIFE....
Just wanted to post Keagan's current feeding and treatment schedule. You may look at Keagan's treatment and think...WOW! that's a lot. But really his treatments are not a lot compared to other CF babies and as he gets older the list will more than likely only grow!
9 am: wake up and eats
- 1 1/2 enzymes in applesauce before meal
- 2 teaspoons of Omeprazole (reflux med compounded into liquid)
- 1 mL of Aquadeks (multivitamin: A, D, K, and E)
- eats: cereal mixed w/ fruit baby food, 2 teaspoons butter and salt, 7oz formula
10 am: breathing treatments
- 4 puffs albuterol inhaler with spacer (~5 min)
- 7% hypertonic saline via nebulizer (~15 min)
- Pulmozyme via nebulizer (~10 min)
- Manual CPT (beating on chest ~20 min)
10:30-11:30 am: napping
11:30 am-12 pm: play time
12 pm: eats
- 1 1/2 enzymes in applesauce before meal
- 1 jar veggie baby food mixed with 2 teaspoons butter, 5oz formula
12:30-1:30 pm: play time
1:30-2:30 pm: napping
3 pm: eats
- 1 1/2 enzymes in applesauce before meal
- 1 jar of fruit/fruit smoothie baby food with 2 teaspoons butter, 5 oz formula
3:30-6 pm: play time
6 pm: eats
- 1 1/2 enzymes in applesauce before meal
- 2 teaspoons of Omeprazole (reflux med compounded into liquid)
- 1 jar of veggie with meat baby food with 2 teaspoons butter and salt, 5 oz formula
6:30-7 pm: play time
7 pm: bath time
7:30-8 pm: play time
8 pm: breathing treatments
- 4 puffs albuterol inhaler with spacer (~5 min)
- 7% hypertonic saline via nebulizer (~15 min)
- Manual CPT (beating on chest ~20 min)
8:45 pm: eats
- 1 1/2 enzymes in applesauce before meal
- 4 oz formula
9:15 pm: bed time
total: 7 1/2 enzymes (pills), 2-2 1/2 hours breathing treaments, 21 mL of liquid meds.....
Like I said above, you may think this is a lot but Keagan's treaments and meds barely compare to the treatment of other CF babies and this list/amount of meds will only grow as he gets older.....